Eleven out of 32 collaborative projects have been selected for funding within SysMO. Working groups from the six partner countries Austria (2), Germany (29), Norway (7), Spain (9), The Netherlands (15) and the United Kingdom (22) as well as from the Czech Republic (1), France (2) and Switzerland (4) contribute their experience and knowledge and will ensure the success of the SysMO initiative. The projects are covering different fields of interests and will be supported by the partner institutions with appr. 28 M €.
Project 1: BaCell-SysMO
The transition from growing to non-growing Bacillus subtilis cells - A systems biology approach
Project 2: COSMIC
Systems Biology of Clostridium acetobutylicum - a possible answer to dwindling crude oil reserves
Project 3: SUMO
Systems Understanding of Microbial Oxygen Responses
Project 4:
Ion and solute homeostasis in enteric bacteria: an integrated view generated from the interface of modelling and biological experimentation
Project 5:
Comparative Systems Biology: Lactic Acid Bacteria
Project 6: PSYSMO
Systems analysis of biotech induced stresses: towards a quantum increase in process performance in the cell factory Pseudomonas putida
Project 7:
Systems Biology of a genetically engineered Pseudomonas fluorescens with inducible exo-polysaccharide production: analysis of the dynamics and robustness of metabolic networks
Project 8: MOSES
MicroOrganism Systems Biology: Energy and Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gene interaction networks and models of cation homeostasis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Project 10:
Global metabolic switching in Streptomyces coelicolor
Project 11:
Silicon cell model for the central carbohydrate metabolism of the archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus under temperature variation